11 Feb 2010


I've been looking at the statistics for this blog: some fuel for my ego there.

Anyway, I wanted to pass on some stuff I read regularly.

My friend Alex keeps a robust blog about archaeology, extreme metal and swearing.  If you like that sort of thing it's not a complete sack of http://alexsotheran.blogspot.com/

There'd be no point in me writing about politics because Guardian columnist Timothy Garton Ash consistently codifies my views for me.  I'm not saying he gets it right 100% of the time, but he makes similarly flavoured errors to me.

This guy lives in a cave in Moab, Utah.  I get the feeling that he's deeply troubled on some level that he doesn't show to us, but nonetheless I find him inspirational.  http://zerocurrency.blogspot.com/

Now Then would be achingly cool if it wasn't so Yorkshire.  It's the best publication about Sheffield since Go ended, although I suspect the Skye Edge thing in the last Now Then was from the Go stable.  Now Then is made by the Opus people. Everything they do is great.

I used to go on body modification site bmezine every now and again on a gross-out trip, how far could I look before my legs went funny and I had to close the window?  People do what to their bodies?  Anyway, Shannon Larratt used to run it.  I'm glad he doesn't now because he's a brilliant writer and node.  A polymath.

This is a lot straighter.  Too straight if anything, but still worth the punt.  Strange Maps is about cartography.  The writer is obviously trying to make enough words to publish coffee table books, but the actual content (the maps themselves) are excellent.  There's a number of blogs like this, but I reckon this is the best.

That's everything I feel I can pass on.  If you'd like me to give you a shout out, let me know.


  1. Likewise mate!

    The Skye Edge image was from Jon Birdseed, youneedbirdseed.com - and you are right, he is ex-Go - he was one of our featured artists last year - check the blog.
